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10 Best Vegan Tips for World Vegan Day

World Vegan Day is an international celebration of veganism, established on November 1, 1994 by Louise Wallis to commemorate the 50th anniversary of The Vegan Society. World Vegan Day is a celebration of animal rights. Vegans choose to live a life in harmony with nature and without exploiting the animals we share the earth with. Macrobiotics, on the other hand, does not forbid the consumption of meat, fish or dairy products. It is a healthy, balanced lifestyle followed by people who are concerned about what they eat. Here at GoMacro, we follow the principals of a macro vegan diet. We recommend limiting dairy and animal products, but it doesn’t eliminate them altogether. Read on for Tips for Living a Macro Vegan Lifestyle.

Speaking in 2011 Louise Wallis said about The Vegan Society, "We knew the Society had been founded in November 1944, but didn’t know the exact date, so I decided to go for the 1st November. Partly because I liked the idea of this date coinciding with Samhain/Halloween and the Day of the Dead - traditional times for feasting and celebration. Both apt and auspicious."

How to Go Vegan: Say Yes to Animal Rights

World Vegan Day is a celebration of animal rights. Vegans choose to live a life in harmony with nature and without exploiting the animals we share the earth with. This means that vegans avoid all animal foods, such as meat, dairy, eggs, and even honey. Devoted vegans also avoid other products that exploit animals, such as using or wearing leather and fur or products that have been tested on animals.

At GoMacro we believe a vegan diet is better for the environment and for developing countries. It’s more sustainable. It requires a third of the amount of land dedicated to food production as what’s required for a meat-based diet. This means a reduction in deforestation, less pesticides and fewer pollutants in the water.

GOING VEGAN: Say Yes to Eating Healthy

Many people are concerned that a vegan lifestyle isn't healthy. There are many schools of thought when it comes to diet but we believe you can be very healthy on a strictly vegan diet. A vegan diet including vegan protein bars may mitigate certain health concerns, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. If you're new to veganism it will require a little extra meal planning to make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need. Eat lots of different plant-based foods, vegetables and fruit, incorporate grains, beans, nut butters, nuts and seeds. If you have a lot of variety in your diet, you’ll naturally get everything you need.

Vitamin B-12 is important for vegans so look for it in servings of plant milks, yogurt, breakfast cereals, spreads, and other products that are fortified with B-12. Keep in mind, if taking supplements, your body will prefer to get a little B-12 taken frequently to one large dose. For calcium, look for green and leafy vegetables, fortified foods, oranges, figs, dried beans, nuts and seeds, and dried fruits.

GoMacro Lives a Macro Vegan Lifestyle

Here at GoMacro, we follow the principles of a macrobiotic diet, which recommends limiting dairy and animal products, but it doesn’t eliminate them altogether. So, you’re probably wondering why we had our products Vegan Certified? We believe that nobody knows your body better than you do. We’ve made our bars powerhouses of nutrition, and we want everybody to be able to eat them. This is how we support you in your goal of going vegan and being healthy, regardless of what diet you choose.

So what exactly is a macro vegan? It is a phrase that is becoming more common. A true vegan does not eat or use any product that contains animal products or is made by animals. Living a strict vegan lifestyle can be challenging. Macrobiotics, on the other hand, does not forbid the consumption of meat, fish or dairy products. It is a healthy, balanced lifestyle followed by people who are concerned about what they eat. Some may have medical conditions, but the majority of practitioners are vegan.

Their practice has taught them what they can and cannot eat in order to create a balance that optimizes vitality and boosts the immune system. As you have probably guessed, a macro vegan combines both philosophies.

VEGAN Tips for Living a Macro Vegan Lifestyle

  1. Eat locally produced foods whenever possible. You will support your local community and reduce greenhouse emissions.
  2. Eat real food. Buy fresh food and vegetables as much as possible. When you do buy processed foods, make sure the ingredients are simple and healthy. If you don't understand it, don't buy it.
  3. Cook, cook, cook. The more you practice the better you will become, plus you'll learn how to appreciate good food.
  4. Enjoy your food. Eat slowly, savor every bite, and most of all - chew your food. Your immune system will benefit and your health will improve.
  5. Think about where your food comes from. Do your best to make sure that no person or animal has suffered to provide the food that you eat.
  6. Don't use additives, preservatives or refined ingredients. The available nutrients in food have decreased significantly in the last fifty years. Make sure that your food contains maximum vitamins and minerals.
  7. Value quality rather than quantity in food but also in all other aspects of your life.
  8. Find out what makes you happy and make time for it by getting rid of the non-essential things in your life.
  9. Moderation, moderation, moderation. Finally, nobody says it better than this old Swedish proverb: "Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; love more and all good things will be yours."
